Saturday, November 15, 2014

begin again

i'm finally, really starting my Etsy shop, after meaning to do so for literally a year.  i had kept so busy with custom orders, things i made as gifts for friends and family, etc (not to mention life with a baby who doesn't love to sleep!), that the idea of building up enough inventory for a shop seemed just plain daunting.  but my husband was gently persistent that i take the time to get things going, even sitting by my side on the couch with the laptop so that i didn't feel intimidated.  i looked in on my empty shop, chose a photo to use as my banner, updated some information, and re-published the munchimodi Facebook page.  and i am already overwhelmed by the response from folks, and thinking i can actually make a go of it.  it has gone from being a little bit scary, to sort of exciting, watching this thing materialize.  i know i will be most excited once i have my shop filled and i get that first order.  but i can't even let myself imagine that just yet.  there's too much work to do!

as it is late and i don't have natural light for taking any pictures of what i'm working on at the moment, but hate to make a post without any pictures (blogs are all about the pictures, really, right?!), i will share a photo from my 6 year old's "tiny" birthday part last week.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


we love spring.  our winter was mild, so spring has been here for a while already, it seems.  we are back to living a large part of our days outside.  building a garden, planting our salad starts, swinging on swings, caring for our sweet little baby chicks.  laying in the sunshine.

 shifana and cordelia,  two of our week-old ameraucanas.  sweet little peeps!